Saturday, May 7, 2011

11 Of March

What is the means for the date 11 of March? That is a important and commemorative date for me. That is the date that my mom bring me to this beautiful world and give a new life for me, 11 of March is the date of my birthday! I am 18 years old now, so this represent that I had celebrate my birthday 18 times as well as I had 18 birthday cakes before. Wow~ I just found this when I writing this blog post! Haha~ As the number of candle increases by year, that also means that my age increases with it too. Omg~~

Among the 18 times of celebration for my birthday, which time is the most deep impression for me? Erm………I think is the birthday when I was 8 years old, the year that I was still studying second grade in primary school. I still remember clearly that the circumstances of that day. After class of that day, I just bring along my bag and walk to the school gate to wait for my school bus as generally. But suddenly, a stranger uncle comes in front of me and holding my hand straightly then walked out from the school gate. After a while, I saw my mom’s car stop beside the road and she was sitting inside the car. Finally, I know that the uncle is the friend of my mom, he just helped my mom to lead me because there had no anymore parking. But I still have a big question that I does not get the answer in my mind, the question is why the uncle that I never saw him before will know that I am the daughter of my mom?? Can you help me get the answer? Haha~~

After sitting inside the car, my mom gave me a plastic bag that have a chicken drumstick inside. I feel very happy about that I feel that the drumstick is the most delicious in the world that I had try before! I feel hungry now when I recall back the taste of it. Haha~~ Afterward, we just go to pick up my sister that was study at the secondary school. There was raining heavily when we were waiting for my sister, but I still concentrate eating my drumstick. Haha~ We just go back home after picking up my sister.

I saw my mom took out a cake and a plastic of things from the rear cab then stepped inside the house. Finally I know that my mom bought a cake, orange juice and the delicious drumstick to celebrate birthday for me, I feel very happy on that day. I feel that I was the most well-being person in the world! Do you understand my feeling?? Haha~

That was the most memorable birthday for me although that just a simple celebration. I feel more satisfaction about the simple celebration than the grand birthday party that I had before because I feel that I get the most love from my mom from the simple celebration. I am a well-being daughter because of my mom love. Mummy, I love you~ muaksss!! =)

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